“Fill everyday life in Cambodia with new possibilities”

Group Profile

As Japan’s largest retail group, AEON has 10 major business aspects in balanced development under a pure holding company structure. AEON MALL is a core enterprise of AEON responsible for commercial real estate development business.

Group Company

Currently, AEON MALL Japan is operating 202 malls in Japan, China and ASEAN countries. (as of October 2023)

Value Creation Model

Other Business from the AEON Group that are operating in Cambodia

Financial Service

AEON Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc. is a leading financial services provider in Cambodia providing AEON Card, Personal Loan, Installment Services and other payment services.

General Merchandise Store

AEON (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. is one of the biggest general merchandise store in Cambodia which has a full line of apparel, food and living ware necessary for customers.

Facility Management

AEON Delight has demonstrated its strength by offering services in the “operation field” of Facility Management (FM) and thereby providing “safety, security and comfort” of facilities (building and surrounding environment) to the customers.

Logistic Center

1. Operation of bonded logistics center and provision of affiliated logistics services (Customs clearance, Delivery arrangement, etc.).

2. Operation of EC online shopping platform and provision of other affiliated services