AEON MALL (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company”) organized the 3rd Blood Donation event in collaboration with Japan Heart Children’s Medical Center (the “Japan Heart”) under the campaign “Blood of Kindness” which took place on the ground floor of South Court Whole Zone of AEON MALL Sen Sok City from 09:00 to 16:30.

Our company has initiated to organize this blood donation event with Japan Heart twice time already at AEON MALL Phnom Penh which received from the 1st and 2nd drive in totally of 224 donors. At this time, we received 62 donors from our golden heart customers that made this blood donation event in successful and meaningfully.

In an effort to respond to this issue, our company had decided to conduct this blood donation drive with Japan Heart regularly. As we know these difficulties in sourcing the necessary blood for surgeries in Cambodia is very challenging, therefore, our company will continue to contribute to raising this awareness for the public on the importance of blood donation in Cambodia. Based on the basic principle ‘’Perusing peace, respecting humanity, and contributing to local communities, always with our point of view as its core. 

Overview of the Blood donation event 

[PDF] The 2nd Blood donation activity